20 Top Sales Automation Tools To Do More With Less in 2024

Feb 5, 2024

Welcome to our guide on sales automation tools.

We’re cutting through the clutter to bring you the best tools out there – no fluff, just the stuff that works. Whether you’re beefing up your existing toolkit or starting from scratch with a shiny new CRM, we’ve listed some worthy options worth a try.

We focus on tools that simplify different types of sales workflows witnessed in a modern, digital-first sales function.

As you explore this comprehensive roundup, you’re bound to find at least one tool that can automate a task that has been a persistent grind for you or your team.

Ready to build a robust sales automation stack? Let’s dive in.

TL;DR rundown

For those short on time, here’s a quick TL;DR of our list of top sales automation tools for 2024. Find You can click on any tool to jump into their deep dive below:

  1. Calendly
  2. Outfunnel
  3. Gong
  4. Dux-Soup
  5. DocuSign
  6. Outreach
  7. HubSpot Sales Hub
  8. ZoomInfo SalesOS
  9. PhoneBurner
  10. Clari
  11. Vidyard
  12. CaptivateIQ
  13. Zapier
  14. Scratchpad
  15. Lexion
  16. Reply.io
  17. ChatGPT
  18. SPOTIO
  19. DealHub
  20. Intercom

Top tips for assembling an effective sales automation system

Before we dive into our extensive list of software solutions, it’s crucial to lay the groundwork for building an effective sales automation system. Assuming you’ve already chosen your CRM, which serves as the cornerstone of your sales tech stack, here’s how to expand your toolkit thoughtfully:

  1. Consider integrations: Ensure that your chosen tools support integration with your CRM for efficient data synchronization and workflow continuity.
  2. Prioritize ease of use: Opt for tools with intuitive interfaces to minimize training time and enhance user adoption.
  3. Avoid feature redundancy: Carefully assess each tool to ensure it adds unique value, avoiding overlap in features with existing tools.
  4. Assess scalability: Choose tools that can grow with your operations, accommodating increasing data and more complex workflows.
  5. Seek robust support: Look for tools offering comprehensive support and training resources for smooth implementation and adoption.
  6. Evaluate cost-effectiveness: Balance the investment against the potential return to ensure budget-friendly solutions. Tools that offer a generous free trial, like Outfunnel, make this exercise much more transparent.
  7. Examine security and compliance capabilities: Delve into the specifics of each tool’s security features, like data encryption, access controls, and audit trails. Additionally, verify their compliance with relevant laws and standards, such as GDPR.
  8. Opt for ample configurability: Select tools that offer enough customization options to align closely with your unique sales processes and objectives.

By thoughtfully integrating these principles into your sales automation tools selection strategy, you’re not just complementing your CRM – you’re crafting a comprehensive ecosystem that elevates all critical workflows. Essentially, you’re setting the stage for increased sales productivity across the board.

20 sales automation tools worth considering in 2024: A deep dive

Under each tool’s profile in our list, we provide a clear breakdown of the key sales workflows it automates, alongside its ratings, pricing, and a brief overview. By focusing on specific automation capabilities, we aim to streamline your selection process, making it easier to identify which tools align best with your team’s goals and challenges. Let us get into the roundup.

1. Calendly – The Shortcut to Smarter Scheduling

Screenshot showing Calendly detecting the invitee’s time zone automatically.

Calendly revolutionizes the way meetings are scheduled, offering a breath of fresh air to those tired of the endless back-and-forth emails. It has been a game-changer in automating the meeting lifecycle, making it a go-to for individuals, teams, and organizations seeking efficiency and simplicity.

Key automation capabilities of Calendly:

  • Automated reminders and follow-ups: Think of Calendly as your personal meeting butler. It sends out reminders and follow-ups, so you don’t have to. This little gem boosts your meeting show-up rates big time, giving you a break from the mundane email ping-pong.
  • Lead qualification & smart routing: Calendly’s got brains and brawn. It plays nicely with various CRM platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce, smartly directing leads to the right team members. It’s like having a traffic controller for your meetings, ensuring no lead gets lost in the shuffle
  • Intelligent timezone detection: Time zones can be a scheduling nightmare, right? Well, Calendly’s like your international time wizard. It automatically detects your invitee’s time zone, cutting out error-prone guesswork and awkward “Oops, wrong time!” moments. It’s like having a world clock in your pocket, making global meetings a breeze.

Calendly ratings:

Calendly pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $10/user/month when billed annually.

2. Outfunnel – Unite Your Sales and Marketing Data

Outfunnel sales automation tool
Screenshot from Outfunnel website.

Closing our list is Outfunnel, a unique sales and marketing workflow platform. Outfunnel excels in connecting and synchronizing sales and marketing tools, such as Pipedrive, Copper, HubSpot, and Salesforce, to facilitate lead scoring and action planning. It stands out by ensuring 24/7 contact sync and automating marketing campaigns based on CRM data changes.

Key automation capabilities of Outfunnel:

  • Sales and Marketing Contact Synchronization: Seamlessly syncs sales and marketing contacts, eliminating manual list management.
  • Dynamic Campaign Automation: Automates marketing campaigns driven by dynamic CRM data changes.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Engagement Tracking: Records comprehensive marketing engagement data (email opens, clicks, form fills, website visits) in the CRM, empowering sales with full lead context.
  • Streamlined App Integration for Sales and Marketing: Uniquely designed for sales and marketing app integration, offering deeper connections with easier setup.
  • Advanced Web Tracking and Lead Scoring: Features web tracking and lead scoring functionalities to identify sales-ready leads.
  • Ease of Use and Accessibility: Requires no coding skills for setup, making it accessible to a broader user base.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Competitively priced, offering significant savings compared to alternatives.

Outfunnel ratings:

Outfunnel pricing:

3. Gong – Turn Every Sales Call Into an Opportunity

Gong sales automation tool

Screenshot from Gong showing a dashboard offering rep-level recommendations.

Gong is a best-in-class tool for gathering revenue intelligence from conversations. Imagine a platform that not only captures every customer interaction but also turns these conversations into actionable insights. Gong does exactly that. It’s like having a super-smart assistant who records and analyzes your team’s calls, whether they’re via web conferencing, dialers, or phone, and integrates with any CRM you’re using.

Key automation capabilities of Gong:

  • Automated sales activity logging: Gong is your ultimate record keeper. It tracks every call, email, and interaction, ensuring your CRM is always up-to-date. It’s like having an infinite memory bank for all sales activities, turning your database into a goldmine of information.
  • Guided next steps for reps: Automatically prioritizes email follow-ups and meeting recaps, focusing reps on activities most likely to drive revenue, simplifying daily decision-making.
  • Faster onboarding for new hires: Accelerates training for new reps by exposing them to successful sales calls, reducing the time to become fully productive and enhancing retention.

Gong ratings:

Gong pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

4. Dux-Soup – Scale LinkedIn Outreach With Smart Automation


Screenshot from Dux-Soup interface showing drip campaigns setup for LinkedIn.

Dux-Soup is your ace in the hole for LinkedIn sales. Imagine turning the world’s largest professional network into your personal lead generation playground, minus the hours of manual effort. Dux-Soup does just that, automating your LinkedIn outreach so you can focus on growing your business.

Key automation capabilities of Dux-Soup:

  • Streamlines LinkedIn networking: Automates the sending of connection invitations, profile views, follows, endorsements, as well as InMails and messages. It’s like having a networking assistant who never sleeps.
  • Personalized campaign creation: Allows you to set up intelligent, personalized LinkedIn campaigns with custom time delays, making your outreach feel as human as it gets, just a lot more efficient.
  • CRM integration for lead management: Seamlessly connects with your CRM system, ensuring smooth lead follow-up and management. It’s the bridge between your LinkedIn activities and your CRM, keeping everything in sync.

Dux-Soup ratings:

Dux-Soup pricing:

  • 14-day free trial plan available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $11.25/month when billed annually for the individual plan.

5. DocuSign – Digitize Signatures, Simplify Agreements


Screenshot showing a configuration of automated e-signature workflows in DocuSign.

DocuSign is the magician in the world of electronic signatures and contract management. It’s not just about signing documents digitally; it’s about transforming how agreements are prepared, executed, and managed, all in a secure, mobile-friendly environment. Think of it as your digital handshake – firm, reliable, and completely revolutionizing your business operations.

Key automation capabilities of DocuSign:

  • Streamlined agreement process: Automates the entire contract lifecycle, from generation to electronic signature, all directly within your CRM. It’s like having a digital assembly line for your agreements.
  • AI-powered contract analysis: Provides tools powered by artificial intelligence for analyzing contracts and clauses, speeding up legal reviews and approvals. It’s like having a legal eagle in your pocket.
  • Real-time contract tracking: Keeps the status of each contract updated within your CRM, giving reps the visibility they need to manage and move deals forward proactively.

DocuSign ratings:

DocuSign pricing:

  • 30-day free trial plan available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $15/month when billed annually for the personal plan.

6. Outreach – Where Sales Meet Intelligence and Efficiency


Screenshot from Outreach dashboard interface.

Outreach is a sales execution platform that aims to enhance the productivity of sales teams. By integrating automation and AI, it supports various stages of the revenue cycle, including prospecting, deal management, and forecasting. Its primary focus is to assist sales organizations in efficiently managing and closing their sales pipeline.

Key automation capabilities of Outreach:

  • Rep coaching for better deal management: Organizes deal details in an accessible format, aiding in effective guidance through the sales cycle.
  • Streamlined forecasting process: Automates the compilation of forecast data, reducing the time required for data gathering and analysis.
  • Kaiaâ„¢ AI-powered virtual assistant: Features an AI assistant for live meeting transcriptions and delivering actionable insights during meetings.

Outreach ratings:

Outreach pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

7. HubSpot Sales Hub – Best Sales Automation Platform for HubSpot CRM Users


Screenshot from HubSpot Sales Hub product interface showing automated sequences setup.

HubSpot Sales Hub is designed as a complete sales software seamlessly integrated with the HubSpot CRM platform. It’s tailored to boost productivity, foster customer connections, and support the growth of sales organizations.

Key automation capabilities of HubSpot Sales Hub:

  • Instant lead alerts: Ever wish you knew the exact moment a prospect peeked at your email? HubSpot Sales Hub pings you the second it happens. This means you can jump right in with a personalized follow-up, all from your cozy Gmail or Outlook inbox.
  • Sales workflow automation: Got a bunch of leads and unsure where to start? This tool sorts them out for you, automates those repetitive tasks, and keeps your follow-ups on track. It’s like having a personal sales assistant, minus the coffee runs.
  • A/B testing for outreach optimization: Unsure if your emails are hit or miss? Sales Hub lets you play scientist with A/B testing, so you can see what resonates with your audience.

HubSpot Sales Hub ratings:

HubSpot Sales Hub pricing:

  • 14-day free trial plan available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $18/month.

8. ZoomInfo SalesOS – Navigate B2B Sales With Smarter Signals

ZoomInfo sales tool

Screenshot showing call tracking intelligence in ZoomInfo SalesOS

If diving into the deep sea of B2B sales feels overwhelming, ZoomInfo SalesOS might just be your lifesaver. We’ve had a deep dive into it, and here’s the scoop on why it’s making waves in the B2B sales world.

Key automation capabilities of ZoomInfo SalesOS:

  • Market signal-triggered sales plays: Ever felt like you’re always a step behind market trends? ZoomInfo SalesOS changes that. It automates sales plays based on fresh market signals, so you’re always ready to pounce on opportunities as they arise. It’s like having a market whisperer on your team.
  • Multi-channel prospecting flows: SalesOS automates and links your emails, calls, and tasks in one smooth process. It’s a no-fuss way to handle your prospecting, making your campaign more efficient and effective.
  • Automates data enrichment: Cut down on the tedious research and data entry. This tool directly integrates market data into your CRM, freeing up your sales reps to focus on what they do best – selling.

ZoomInfo SalesOS ratings:

ZoomInfo SalesOS pricing:

  • Free trial and pricing information are available on request.

9. PhoneBurner – Effortless Calling, Enhanced Selling

PhoneBurner sales automation tool

Screenshot showing automation of post-call actions in PhoneBurner.

PhoneBurner is like the turbocharger for your sales calls. It’s a power dialer designed to ramp up the efficiency of your sales efforts. With PhoneBurner, it’s all about connecting more, dialing less and making each conversation count.

Key automation capabilities of PhoneBurner:

  • Auto-dialing feature: This is where PhoneBurner shines. It dials your contacts automatically, letting your reps focus solely on the conversation, not the hassle of dialing. It’s like having an automated assistant doing the groundwork for you.
  • Streamlined post-call processes: Post-call tasks? PhoneBurner handles them like a pro. It sets statuses, drops notes, and nudges your prospects through the sales stages, all automatically. It’s almost like wrapping up a call with a neat little bow.
  • Smart lead distribution: With its LeadStream feature, leads are automatically sent to the right reps at the right time. It’s like having a smart lead concierge, making sure opportunities are maximized.

PhoneBurner ratings:

PhoneBurner pricing:

  • Free trial plan available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $127/user/month when billed annually.

10. Clari – AI-Powered Clarity for Revenue Growth

Screenshot showing actionable call insights being surfaced by Clari.

Clari is not just another revenue platform; it’s like a crystal ball for your sales team. Designed to bring efficiency and predictability to your revenue process, Clari offers a bird’s-eye view of your business operations. By harnessing AI and automation, it turns the daunting task of revenue generation into a more manageable and predictable process, making it a go-to tool for B2B organizations looking to boost their win rates and forecasting accuracy.

Key automation capabilities of Clari:

  • Comprehensive data capture: Say goodbye to manual data entry. Clari automates the capture of data across emails, calendars, calls, and more, significantly improving data quality and freeing up valuable time for your team.
  • AI-driven opportunity management: Clari’s AI smarts enable reps and managers to effectively inspect deals and accounts, spot risks early, and act swiftly. It’s like having a high-tech magnifying glass for your sales pipeline.
  • Intelligent forecasting and pipeline management: Keep your sales targets on track with Clari’s forecasting tools. It’s like having a GPS for your sales journey, guiding you toward your targets consistently.

Clari ratings:

Clari pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

11. Vidyard – Create Video-First Sales Pitches at Scale

Vidyard sales automation tool

Screenshot showing sharing a recorded video message via email using Vidyard.

Vidyard is like the Swiss Army knife for virtual sales and marketing teams in the video age. It’s all about making video creation and sharing a breeze for various sales stages. If you’re looking to add a personal touch to your sales outreach with video, Vidyard is your go-to platform. It’s not just about shooting and sharing videos; it’s about making each video a strategic step toward closing your deals.

Key automation capabilities of Vidyard:

  • Personalized video creation for sales: Vidyard takes the hassle out of video creation for sales outreach. Whether it’s an intro, demo, or pitch, the platform makes recording and sending personalized videos as easy as sending an email.
  • Direct integration for easy sharing: Sharing your videos is a snap with Vidyard. It integrates directly with email platforms and sales tools like Gmail, Outlook, and LinkedIn, enhancing your sales communication with the power of video.
  • AI-enhanced outbound selling: Utilize AI to automate and personalize your outbound selling efforts, allowing you to focus more on relationship building and less on prospecting.

Vidyard ratings:

Vidyard pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $19/month when billed annually.

12. CaptivateIQ – Your Partner in Smart Commission Solutions


Payouts dashboard for an account executive in CaptiveIQ.

CaptivateIQ is a standout choice for companies looking to streamline their sales commission management. It’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about turning sales expenses into strategic assets. This tool is a practical solution for keeping your finance and sales teams in sync.

Key automation capabilities of CaptivateIQ:

  • SmartGridâ„¢ Technology for Real-Time Management: SmartGridâ„¢ is like your go-to tool for managing and calculating commission data efficiently. It’s all about making complex things simpler and faster.
  • Automated Compliance Reporting: Keeping up with compliance can be a hassle, but CaptivateIQ makes it easier with automated reports. This feature is a real lifesaver when it comes to meeting accounting standards like ASC 340/606.
  • Seamless Integration with Key Systems: Integration is smooth with CaptivateIQ. It connects easily with your existing CRMs and ERPs, ensuring that you always have the latest commission data at your fingertips.
  • Efficient Workflow with Automated Approvals: Automated approvals, quick dispute resolution, and effective document management make CaptivateIQ a real time-saver. It simplifies the entire commission process, making your workflow much more manageable.

CaptivateIQ ratings:

CaptivateIQ pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

13. Zapier – The Digital Bridge for Your Apps


Screenshot from a Zapier automation demo showing automated Slack notifications.

Zapier is a highly effective tool for automating sales workflows and connecting over 6,000 apps, making it a valuable asset for sales teams. Its versatility in integrating different platforms allows teams to dedicate more time to impactful tasks, streamlining the overall sales process.

Key automation capabilities of Zapier:

  • Streamlined Software Interactions: Zapier provides ready-to-use triggers and actions between various software combinations, facilitating smooth and efficient communication between different platforms.
  • Sales Pipeline Automation: The tool automates essential sales tasks, from lead handoffs to follow-ups and contract signings, ensuring a more organized and efficient sales pipeline.
  • Real-Time Data Accuracy: Automating the addition and updating of lead information with Zapier ensures that customer data is consistently up-to-date, supporting timely and informed sales decisions.

Zapier ratings:

Zapier pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $19.99/month when billed annually.

14. Scratchpad – The Sales Accelerator

Scratchpad sales automation tool

Screenshot from Scratchpad website.

Scratchpad is an invaluable tool for pipeline management, deal inspection, and sales forecasting. It’s a hit with RevOps, sales leaders, and salespeople for its streamlined approach to managing sales processes. The platform’s intuitive design and functionality make it a go-to solution for enhancing sales team performance.

Key automation capabilities of Scratchpad:

  • Enhanced Salesforce Interaction: Scratchpad offers no-code automations for instant Salesforce updates. This feature significantly improves data quality and simplifies revenue operations, making it easier for teams to stay on top of their CRM data.
  • Automated Update Notifications: The platform includes automated notifications for updating the next steps in the sales process and celebrating milestones like closed deals. This keeps teams aligned and aware of important updates in real time.
  • Timely Alert System: Scratchpad provides automated alerts for expired close dates and deals push notifications, ensuring sales teams can act swiftly and keep deals moving forward.
  • Integrated Sales Enablement: An exceptional feature is the integration of sales enablement content directly into the sales workflow. This provides easy access to essential sales resources, enhancing the efficiency of sales strategies.

Scratchpad ratings:

Scratchpad pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $29/user/month when billed annually.

15. Lexion – The Gateway to Effortless Legal Workflow


Screenshot showing a custom request intake form in Lexion.

Lexion is a comprehensive contract management platform that streamlines operations across various business functions such as sales, procurement, legal, HR, and security reviews. By centralizing the contracting process, it offers a simplified, email-driven intake and intuitive no-code automation, making it a favorite among diverse teams.

Key automation capabilities of Lexion:

  • Streamlined Contract Workflows: Lexion features no-code automation for tasks like approvals, ownership assignments, and routing for signatures. This automation streamlines various contract-related workflows, making the contract management process more efficient.
  • Standardized Contract Processes: The platform helps standardize contract processes, ensuring critical stakeholder alignment. This standardization is key to maintaining consistency and efficiency in contract management.
  • Efficient Deal Acceleration: With Lexion, deal intake, approvals, and signatures are streamlined, facilitating a faster and more collaborative deal-making process.

Lexion ratings:

Lexion pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

16. Reply.io – The Sales Automation Wizard


Screenshot from showing AI-powered email categorization in Reply.io.

Reply.io stands out as an AI-first sales engagement platform that significantly aids sales development representatives (SDRs) in finding new prospects, engaging them across various channels, and creating new opportunities at scale. Its focus on personalizing every touchpoint has made it a trusted tool for virtual sales and marketing teams in lead generation and deal closure.

Key automation capabilities of Reply.io:

  • Multi-Channel Outreach Automation: Reply.io excels in automating outreach across multiple channels, including emails, calls, SMS, and WhatsApp. Its specialized automation for social selling, such as automated connect requests and InMail on LinkedIn, enhances engagement with prospects.
  • AI-Assisted Email Crafting: The platform features Jason AI, an AI assistant, for crafting human-like emails and follow-ups. This tool significantly improves response rates by personalizing communication.
  • Streamlined Sales Task Automation: Automating task generation from sequence steps, Reply.io efficiently executes sales activities, saving time and ensuring no opportunity is missed.
  • Automated Meeting Scheduling: The integration with calendars for automated scheduling directly from the sales sequence simplifies the process of arranging meetings, making it more efficient and less time-consuming.

Reply.io ratings:

Reply.io pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $60/user/month.

17. ChatGPT – Now a Staple Sales Assistant Tool


Showing ChatGPT being used to generate a follow-up email copy.

ChatGPT has emerged as an indispensable tool for sales representatives, offering versatile assistance in a variety of sales activities. Thanks to its advanced language processing AI capabilities, it streamlines tasks and enhances efficiency in the sales domain.

Key automation capabilities of ChatGPT for sales:

  • Efficient Communication Generation: ChatGPT excels in generating and personalizing sales-related emails. This significantly reduces the time spent on manual drafting, allowing sales reps to focus more on engaging with clients and less on typing out emails.
  • Automated Follow-Up and Reminders: The platform automates the creation of follow-up messages and reminders, which is crucial for maintaining consistent engagement with leads. This feature ensures that no potential customer slips through the cracks due to missed follow-ups.
  • Information Gathering and Summarization: ChatGPT is also adept at gathering and summarizing information pertinent to sales leads and market trends. This capability is particularly useful for preparing for sales meetings, as it helps reps stay informed and ready to address client needs and questions.

ChatGPT ratings:

ChatGPT pricing:

  • Freemium version is available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $20/user/month.

18. SPOTIO – Unleashing Field Sales Potential


Screenshot from SPOTIO interface showing automatic visit log data for each rep.

SPOTIO is a dynamic field sales software that plays a crucial role in boosting productivity and sales efficiency. Its design specifically caters to the needs of field sales teams, automating manual tasks, fostering accountability, and offering insightful sales performance data.

Key automation capabilities of SPOTIO:

  • Real-Time Interaction Logging: SPOTIO automatically logs every prospect interaction in real-time. This feature not only improves CRM data accuracy but also relieves sales reps from the burden of manual data entry.
  • Enhanced Geofencing with Auto-Visit: The platform’s auto-visit feature captures check-ins and check-outs using geofencing technology. This significantly improves visibility and accountability in field sales operations.
  • Automated Mileage Tracking: SPOTIO offers automated mileage tracking for field sales reps. This functionality is particularly useful for route planning, reducing administrative workload and simplifying the reimbursement process.

SPOTIO ratings:

SPOTIO pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

19. DealHub – Sales Simplified, Deals Amplified


Screenshot from DealHub quoting workflow interface.

DealHub is a unified revenue platform crafted to accelerate and simplify the sales process. It stands out with its unique combination of CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote), contract management, subscription management, proposals, and e-signature tools. Its low-code commerce engine offers exceptional flexibility and agility, making it ideal for customizing sales processes to meet diverse business needs.

Key automation capabilities of DealHub:

  • Rapid Quote Generation: Employs advanced CPQ technology for generating accurate quotes rapidly.
  • Optimized Revenue Management: Utilizes automated margin control and subscription management for optimizing revenue.
  • Insightful Digital Body Language Capture: Captures digital body language to gain insights for strategic follow-ups and deal closure.
  • Streamlined Contract Management: Automates contract creation and renewal processes, reducing manual workload.
  • Personalized Document Creation: The platform facilitates the creation of personalized documents for various sales needs using templates, ensuring consistency and professionalism in all customer interactions.

DealHub ratings:

DealHub pricing:

  • Pricing information is available on request.

20. Intercom – Personalizing Sales Interactions

Intercom sales tool

Screenshot from Intercom website.

Intercom is a versatile platform primarily known for customer support but also excels in sales. It effectively handles conversations from website visitors triggered by chat boxes, integrating automation and real-time chat for faster customer conversions.

Key automation capabilities of Intercom for sales:

  • Website Conversion and Revenue Growth: Enhances website conversion and revenue growth with bots and real-time chat.
  • Smarter Lead Qualification: Features intelligent bots and routing rules for smarter lead qualification and visitor routing.
  • Seamless CRM and Marketing Platform Integration: Integrates seamlessly with CRM tools like Salesforce and marketing platforms like Marketo for data synchronization and workflow automation.

Intercom ratings:

Intercom pricing:

  • 14-day free trial available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $39/user/month.

Rounding up: Time to level up your sales automation technology

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve provided the building blocks to enhance your existing sales automation setup.

Recognizing that most teams already utilize a CRM, we focused on presenting tools that can further automate diverse aspects of the sales process.

Each tool has been chosen for its ability to address specific sales functions, ensuring a comprehensive toolkit that works in synergy with your base CRM system, driving efficiency and effectiveness in your sales operations.

Outfunnel emerges as a keystone in this automation landscape.

It’s specifically engineered to synchronize sales and marketing tools, ensuring seamless data flow, enabling intelligent lead scoring and much more.

Sign up for Outfunnel’s free trial and quickly add multiple automation capabilities to your sales operations.

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