Meet Our Elementor Forms Integration: Connect Web Forms With Your CRM

May 17, 2021

Today we’re happy to officially announce our newest app connection, Elementor Forms. Use it to:

  • sync web form submissions over to your CRM as contacts (Pipedrive, Salesforce, Copper, HubSpot CRM), complete with custom fields;
  • record the form fills on contact profiles in the CRM, along with key web visit data; and
  • start tracking future web visits of your contacts (coming soon).
Outfunnel App connector

Our goal at Outfunnel is to help companies connect their sales and marketing data. So far, we’ve built connections between CRMs and marketing automation tools like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.

Elementor is the first web form-CRM integration that we’ve added to our App connector, with many more to come. 

Why integrate your CRM and Elementor Forms with Outfunnel?

There are many data connector tools out there, so how do you know if Outfunnel is for you? Here are a few key ways in which Outfunnel’s solution stands out:

  • Set up once for both syncing contacts and recording the form fill as an activity on the contact profile in your CRM.
  • One setup for any and all web forms on your domain (some other connectors require zipping-zapping each landing page separately).
  • Make use of Outfunnel’s web tracking to keep track of further web visits of your form fill contacts and get these recorded in the CRM.
  • Entire setup takes just 15 minutes.
  • Plans start at just $6 per month.
Pipedrive and Elementor Forms connection

Find out more about our Elementor Forms-CRM connections:

This is just one of the latest additions to the sales-marketing app connections. See the full list of tool connections we offer here or request your preferred sales-marketing connections via this quick form.

Ready to set up a deep connection between Elementor Forms and your CRM? Start your free 14-day trial now and get set up in a mere 15 minutes.

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