Two new features: dashboard and lead scoring based on CRM actions

Oct 25, 2022

We’ve gone from simply sending emails and syncing data to being a sales and marketing workflow platform and we needed a new “home” in the app to help you get an overview of everything that’s going on as well as anything that needs your attention.

The new dashboard, available for all users immediately, gives you a snapshot of all the activity with your marketing contacts that Outfunnel syncs or tracks: 

  • A count of contacts you’ve synced between two apps
  • Marketing engagements recorded to your CRM
  • Time of last data sync
  • The number of web visitors identified
  • The number of leads scored

It’s worth pointing out that this is our first iteration, and we’re already planning how to make the dashboard more useful to you. If you have specific ideas, please get in touch.

Include activity data from your CRM in your lead scores

As you may already know, our lead scoring feature is great for scoring leads based on multiple data sources: email engagement from tools like Mailchimp or HubSpot, website visits, and our own simple email tool. 

One request we’ve been hearing frequently is using data from CRMs. For example, increasing scores for people that have:

  • taken a sales meeting
  • visited a booth at a trade show
  • attended a webinar
  • …or done anything else that is recorded as an Activity in your CRM. 
Now you can combine data from your CRM with marketing engagement to calculate lead scores.

We’ve now added this capability, available for Copper and Pipedrive users immediately, with HubSpot and Salesforce coming soon. This functionality is available on our Professional plan. Learn more about using our Lead scoring feature.

I hope you’ll like these additions, and we’re looking forward to your feedback!

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